Thursday, October 28, 2010

Asperger's Symptom

When looking at the facebook wall, many of them wrote exam, exam, and exam. I miss that moment. Really miss. A year has passed, but the memory is still here. Miss my friends, room, environment, college, faculty and everything in the university. I wish I can turn the clock back.

I really enjoy my college period even though I’m not the one who’s active in college and university. I love to read and I love to learn.

The only thing I hate during that time is presentations! I hate it a lot. I hate attention. When you are presenting, of course your class mate will give a full attention. That’s why I hate presentation. I think I’m sick. Normal people loveeee attention and they are always looking for it.

Now I’m reading a novel with the title of ‘House Rules’ wrote by Jodi Picoult. The main character is Jacob who’s suffering from Asperger’s, kind of autistic. Live in his own world and hate attention. That’s why I said I’m sick; I have the same symptom with Jacob. Hahaha.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Some people say I’m an outdated person. Not going out late night, no communicate with mans, very shy, very limited friends, have no social life as they are. But, who cares?

Yes, I’m an outdated person and I happy with my life. Stay at home most of the day, do cooking, cleaning, washing and what so ever job in the house. I’m happy to accompany my family and help them especially my parents.

I did go for movies, walks, vacations, chats, shopping and attending some of the invitation, but all of this just involved my family and best friend.

One fact that people always need to remember is I’m a muslim. A muslim’s girl cannot simply hang out with a non relationship man.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


People will never understand what we feels.

A week at the hospital, I learned so many things. Respect, resposibility, love, understanding, careness and etc.

Sometimes, when looking around, I realised, how grateful I am to be borned in my family. Full of happiness, full of love, full of respect. Thank you Allah.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I like him. hahaha. Dreaming that he will introduce himself to me.hahaha (laughing like devil!). Who knows Allah will make it happen right? Pray to Allah this thing gonna be real :) Insyaallah

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Adding friends? It's my obsesssion!

On facebook, adding some friends. actually lots of friend.hahaha. i'm obsessed adding friends right now. and i'm so surprised because i just meet my ex-classmate on 1996! This is incredible.

We have a little chat. she's married! hahaha.

I always laugh when people asked me on married topic.why? because I have no answer for that question. I'm still single and I have  no plan for it yet. hrmmm. Many of my friends will getting married soon. Do you think I'm happy with that? Of course I'm happy for them for their happiness day ever, but deep inside my heart I feel lonely.

To stay single is my choice, sure I can manage my feelings but when people around you keep asking about marriage, this is so discouraging me.